Ph.D. candidate under Science, Mathematics, and Technology cluster focusing on the areas of design-based fluorescence molecules for bio-imaging and room-temperature phosphorescence. My goal is to develop the top-down research where we utilize quantum calculation to design molecular structures to reduce trial-and-error in traditional synthesis. I am also developing applications of machine learning to chemistry research and data analysis using Scikit-learn and Tensor flow coded in python. Finally, my ultimate goal is to connect the huge gap between computational chemistry and synthesis chemistry.

Ph.D candidate/ Computational & Synthetic chemist
Supphachok Chanmungkalakul is open to work as a Post-doctoral · Researcher Chemist · Chemicals product specialist · Chemistry instruments specialist · Production Chemist
- Academic record: Google Scholar
- City: Singapore
- Research group homepage: https://frg.sutd.edu.sg
- Degree: Ph.D
- E-mail: supphachok.cha@hotmail.com
Supphachok Chanmungkalakul
My goal is to connect the gap between synthesis and computational chemistry by employing computaional calculation to achieve top-down research in molecular design.
- supphachok.cha@hotmail.com, supphachok@mymail.sutd.edu.sg
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
Science, Mathematics and Technology, Singapore
President's Graduate Fellowship (PGF)
2020 - 2023
Supervisor: Dr. Liu Xiaogang
Master of Science (Chemistry) Interntional Programme
Mahidol University, Thailand
Scholarship for Young Scientists
2017 - 2018
Supervisor: Dr. Vuthichai Ervithayasuporn
Reward: • Research award from National Research Council of Thailand 2020
• Distinguished thesis award
Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)
Mahidol University, Thailand
Sritrungthong Scholarship
2013 - 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Vuthichai Ervithayasuporn